Below are more details and a listing of current and past sponsorships.
Jeneece Place is the dream of Jeneece Edroff. Known as the "Penny Girl", Jeneece's penny drive brought in over $1.5 million to help children throughout BC. With that achievement behind her, Jeneece set her sights on a new goal - Jeneece Place - a temporary home where families can stay together when one of their members needs medical services in Victoria. Jeneece Place is located a two-minute walk to the entrance of the Victoria General Hospital. At 10,500 square feet, Jeneece Place has ten bedrooms able to accommodate up to two adults, and two children each. It also has a communal kitchen, dining, living, games and media rooms, and an outdoor area where kids can play. The facility is open year round, 24 hours a day, and is wheelchair-accessible and barrier-free. The Harris Group donated $50,000.00 to Jeneece Place.
Supporting Vancouver Island University students-through the Danny Harris Memorial Scholarship. The purpose of the Vancouver Island University Foundation is to oversee management of the Foundation's endowment and, working with the Office of Advancement & Alumni, raise money to support VIU's scholarship and awards program and VIU fundraising activities
The BC Winter and BC Summer Games are British Columbia's biennial celebration of sport and community. Since 1978, the BC Games have taken place in 38 communities and involved over 350,000 participants and volunteers and thousands more as spectators and supporters. The purpose of the BC Games is "To provide an opportunity for the development of athletes, coaches, and officials in preparation for higher levels of competition in a multi-sport event which promotes interest and participation in sport and sporting activities, individual achievement and community development." The BC Games bring together British Columbia's best emerging high performance athletes, trained coaches, and certified officials for three days of competition. This experience is an important development opportunity and stepping stone towards higher level sport competitions.
The Young Professionals of Nanaimo is a not-for-profit organization for young professionals in the Nanaimo area who wish to network, socialize and continue to develop professionally. The mission of the Young Professionals of Nanaimo (YPN) is to create a vibrant and connected young professional community in Nanaimo. The YPN membership includes some of the best and brightest business professionals in Nanaimo under the age of 40. Whether you are new to Nanaimo or simply interested in expanding your professional horizons, the events and professional development opportunities of the YPN are a great place to learn and get connected.